TRAILER: A place to be fed.
“A place to be fed” is a short documentary film that shares the story of James Harris and his journey to create a self-sustaining and replicable place of hope, healing, and restoration for food desert communities. The film shines a light on our universal need for healthy food, and a place to call our own.
We travel to Chicago, Illinois to visit Mari Gallagher — a food insecurity expert — where she reminds us that “food deserts are not just a southern problem, and certainly not just a an issue for the urban poor. We all require sustenance with substance…”
We then travel to Minden, Louisiana to visit James’ hometown and to learn more about the motives behind his mission; And finally, the film returns “home” to Birmingham and the building of Carver Jones Market in Fairfield: An older city moving in a new direction.
For more information on the film, Carver Jones Market, or how you can be involved with sharing this powerful story, contact Billy Ivey.
“You want to do what?” She asked, giggling.
“Yes. Let’s hike from Canada to Mexico.” I answered.
She stopped giggling.
”With the kids?”
Welcome to the Pacific Crest Trail.
The Strawbridge family found themselves shivering in a cold rain on a high pass in the North Cascade Mountains far from civilization, armed with little more than a vague notion of what it would take to walk 2650 miles on a wild and remote wilderness trail from Canada to Mexico…
Vince and Monica set out with their four children on the walk of a lifetime. Join the family as they traverse the United States from the top to the bottom, and listen in as they sort out what it means to be a family in pursuit of a goal that seemed crazy and unattainable to most…
PRETTY GOOD AT WALKING is available now. .
Also available at AMAZON.